Research Groups in Computer Vision, Image Processing and Related Topics
If you know where a researcher is from you can usually find more
information on their work.
Research group web sites (especially university sites)
usually provide links to individuals in
the group, descriptions of recent (and often past) work,
and papers by members of that group (both past and present). The group
sites are the best source for finding specific information and
for making contact with the individual researchers.
This page lists research groups by country (alphabetical by the common
(American) English name of the country). Each entry also includes
a link to the people, known to the bibliography, that are
in that group (based on the email or web address). Groups listed here are
probably larger than a single research group. A university with multiple
different groups should have one entry here.
Computer Vision resources include:
For more information on the topics, contact information, etc.
see the annotated
Computer Vision Bibliography or
the Complete
Conference Listing for Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Detailed Entries for Research
Research Group, Europe.
WWW Link. Accelerating Geospatial Machine Learning
Dataset, Mapping.
WWW Link.
List of people
Academia Sinica,
Laboratories of Intelligent Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, Taiwan.
List of people
Adept Electronic Solutions,
Hardware and industrial solutions.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
Australian Centre for Visual Technologies,
University of Adelaide, Australia
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia. Large image set search.
List of people
The Australian National University,
Centre for Visual Sciences
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia. Robotics.
List of people
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Signal Processing Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Israel.
List of people
Bilkent University,
RETINA Vision and Learning Group
WWW Link.
Also includes 3D TV Consortium.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Turkey.
List of people
Bogaziçi University,
Perceptual Intelligence Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Turkey.
List of people
Cankaya University,
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Turkey.
List of people
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation,
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
HTML Version.
Visual Information Processing Group:
HTML Version.
Research Group, China.
List of people
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Hong Kong.
PETA: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition At Far Distance,
Dataset, Pedestrians.
HTML Version.
19,000 images.
Large-scale Fashion (DeepFashion) Dataset,
HTML Version.
Dataset, Fashion. 800,000 fashion images.
In-Shop Clothes Retrieval Database.
List of people
City University of Hong Kong,
Image Computing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Hong Kong.
List of people
Cooperative Research Center for Sensor Signal and Image Processing,
CSSIP - Adelaide, Australia
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia. Operated until 2006.
List of people
Curtin University,
The Institute for Multi-sensor processing & content analysis (IMPCA)
WWW Link.
All under the Department of Computing:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia. Robust systems, video content, surveillance.
List of people
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology,
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, India.
List of people
Gunma University,
Mathematical analysis of computer vision.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Hebrew University,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Israel. Geometry of views, video analysis, object recognition, view synthesis.
List of people
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Vision and Graphics Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Hong Kong.
List of people
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, India.
List of people
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
Vision Graphics Imaging Lab (ViGIL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, India.
List of people
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,
Vision and Graphics Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, India. Real Time Computer Vision, Image Based Rendering, Character Animation,
Medical Visualization, Augmented Reality, Mesh Compression and
Embedded Systems for Computer Vision.
List of people
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad,
3D Computer Vision:
WWW Link.
Research Group, India.
See also
3DHumans: Dataset for Human Body Models.
List of people
IPM Vision Group,
motion and shape.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Iran.
List of people
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST,
Computer Vision, Image Processing. Kotani
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
KAIST: Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition
WWW Link.
Research Group, Korea. OCR.
List of people
Keio University,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Korea University,
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
HTML Version.
Research Group, Korea. Facial analysis, CBIR, human behavior, Sign language, gesture recognition.
List of people
KritiKal Solutions,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, License Plate Recognition. Vehicle security systems.
India. From ITT Delhi.
List of people
Kumamoto University,
Uchimura and Hu Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Kyoto University,
Computer Vision, Matsuyama.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan. Digital archiving of cultural assets, HCI, cooperative distributed vision.
Human Computer Interaction, Minoh.
HTML Version.
List of people
Kyushu University,
Laboratory for Intelligent Robots and vision Systems, Hasegawa & Kurazume.
HTML Version.
Laboratory for Image and Media Understanding:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Lotus Hill Institute,
WWW Link.
Research Group, China.
Dataset, Segmentation.
Code, Viewing. The Imageparsing site is devoted to providing ground truth datasets and
Matlab code for annotation and viewing.
See also
LHI Object Datasets.
See also
LHI Sports Activity Dataset.
See also
LHI Segmentation Dataset.
See also
LHI Surveillance Dataset.
List of people
Monash University,
Centre for Research in Intelligent Systems (CRIS)
Includes labs for vision research
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
Nanyang Technological University,
Vision and Control Research Program
WWW Link.
Research Group, Singapore.
List of people
National ICT Australia,
Document Analysis and Understanding
WWW Link.
Road Safety: Driver Drowsiness Detection
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
National Taiwan Normal University,
Video and Image Processing Lab
WWW Link.
(Mostly in Chinese)
Research Group, Taiwan.
List of people
National University of Singapore,
Computer Vision.
HTML Version.
Bioimaging Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Singapore.
List of people
Okayama University,
Mathematical analysis of computer vision.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
OKI Electric Industry Company,
Face Sensing Engine
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
Vendor, Face Recognition. Face Recognition systems.
List of people
Osaka University,
Miura Lab, Active Intelligent Systems Laboratory.
Replacement of the Shirai Lab.
HTML Version.
Motion, Robotics. Yachida Lab.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan. Robotics, human tracking, recognition, hand postures.
List of people
POSTECH: Pohang University of Science and Technology,
Intelligent Media Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Korea.
List of people
Ritsumei University,
Computer Vision, Tanaka
WWW Link.
(Only in Japanese)
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Seoul National University,
3D Visual Information Procesing Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Korea. ATR, face detection, energy minimization.
List of people
Sungkyunkwan University,
Intelligent Systems Research Center
WWW Link.
Research Group, Korea.
List of people
Technion Israel Institute of Technology,
TechnionVision Research and Image Science Laboratory:
Geometric image processing, diffusion
WWW Link.
Center for Intelligent Systems:
WWW Link.
HandNet Project:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Israel.
List of people
Tel Aviv University,
Computer Vision
HTML Version.
Research Group, Israel.
List of people
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Image processing. Hasegawa.
HTML Version.
Virtual reality, human interfaces, Sato-Koike.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
K. N. Toosi University of Technology,
BioMedical Engineering Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, Iran.
List of people
Multimedia Lab.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
Vendor, Face Recognition. Face recognition, 3D objects, Vehicles, Motion caputre, handwriting.
List of people
oyota Technological Institute
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Tsinghua University,
Institute of HCI and Media Integration
WWW Link.
Research Group, China.
List of people
Tsukuba University,
3D Free Viewpoint Video, Massive Sensing (for secure and safe life),
Mixed Reality (Advanced Virtual Reality)
HTML Version.
Computational Vision Science.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
The University of Adelaide,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Australia. 3D modelling from video, and automated video surveillance
List of people
The University of Auckland,
Intelligent Vision Systems New Zealand
WWW Link.
Research Group, New Zealand.
List of people
University of Canterbury,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Human Interface Technology Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Research Group, New Zealand.
List of people
University of Cape Town,
Digital Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, South Africa.
See also
ImageLib: An Image Processing C++ Class Library.
List of people
University of Hong Kong,
Computer Science, Various research groups
WWW Link.
Research Group, Hong Kong.
List of people
University of New South Wales,
Computer Vision and Image Processing
HTML Version.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
University of Otago,
Computer Vision Research Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, New Zealand. Optical flow.
List of people
University of Technology, Sydney,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
University of Tokyo,
Institute of Industrial Science
Computer Vision Lab.
Virtual reality, computer vision, intelligent transportation.
HTML Version.
Human Computer Interactions: Reflectance, Motion, Interactive systems.
WWW Link.
Ishikawa Oku Laboratory: Parallel processing for sensory information.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
Waseda University,
Computer Vision, Image Processing. Okada
WWW Link.
Research Group, Japan.
List of people
University of Western Australia,
Univ. of West. Aust.Vision and Visualization Research Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, Australia. Rendering, sign language, face recognition, forensic image analysis.
List of people
University of Wollongogn,
ICT Research Institute
Visual and Audio Signal Processing (VASP)
HTML Version.
Research Group, Australia.
List of people
Weizmann Institute of Science,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Israel. Shape reconstruction, object recognition, perceptual grouping, matching,
video analysis,
List of people
Whuan University,
Group of Photogrammetry and Computer Vision (GPCV).
WWW Link.
Research Group, China. Includes datasets.
See also
WHU Datasets.
List of people
Aachen University of Technology,
Department of Technical Computer Science
HTML Version.
Research Group, Germany. Visual information retrieval, recognition, robots, man-machine interaction.
See also
List of people
Aalborg University,
Computer Vision & Media Technology Laboratory
WWW Link.
Virtual Reality, Media Technology
VR Media Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Denmark.
List of people
Alpha Tec Ltd.,
Image Processing and Analysis.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
Vendor, Watermarks.
List of people
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Computer Vision and Image Processing
WWW Link.
Also Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Greece. Video processing, historic sites. Part of the
Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory
List of people
Association Relative à la Télévision Européenne
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. Part of
See also
List of people
Augmented Vision, DFKI,
Part of: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
See also
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
List of people
Austrian Institute of Technology,
Intelligent Vision Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria. Real time stereo, embedded 3D
List of people
BBC Research and Innovation,
Compression and TV oriented research.
Dirac and iview projects.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
Belarusian Academy of Sciences,
Laboratory of Image Processing and Recognition
HTML Version.
Research Group, Belarus.
List of people
Berlin Technical University,
Computer Vision and Remote Sensing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Image analysis and object reconstruction, SAR,
See also
Radar Tools.
List of people
Birkbeck, University of London,
Computational Intelligence Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
Cambridge University,
Speech, Vision and Robotics
HTML Version.
And Digital Technology group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. 3D models from uncalibrated images, Object recognition.
Human-computer interfaces. Visual tracking and localisation.
Visually guided robotics and autonomous systems. Augmented reality
List of people
Cardiff University,
Vision and Geometry Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Curve and surface modeling, geometric algorithms, industrial vision.
List of people
C-BER Center for Biomedical Engineering Research,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Portugal. Bioengineering.
List of people
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel,
Cognitive Systems group:
WWW Link.
Multimedia Information Processing:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Multimedia.
List of people
Cipherstone Technologies AB,
Advanced Image Analysis
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Biometrics, surveillance, medical imaging, inspection, user interfaces.
List of people
Cranfield University,
Image Processing Group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Computer Vision Center did not have a web site.
List of people
Czech Technical University, Prague,
Center for Machine Perception
WWW Link.
Research Group, Czech Republic. Video, multi-cameras.
List of people
Vehicle safety, pedestrian detection.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Driver Assistance.
See also
Daimler Pedestrian Detection Benchmark.
List of people
Image Interpretation and analysis.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
List of people
Delft University of Technology,
Quantitative Imaging Group
WWW Link.
See also
Delft Image Processing library, The. Department Imaging Science & Technology
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands. Multidimensional images. Applied physics.
List of people
Democritus University of Thrace,
Group of Robotics and Cognitive Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, Greece.
List of people
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR),
The Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics - Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
DrivSco Project,
HTML Version.
Research Group, Europe. Driver assistance.
List of people
Dublin City University, Machine Vision Group,
Vision Systems Group
HTML Version.
Distributed software:
See also
Machine Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Centre for Digital Video Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Ireland.
List of people
Dublin City University, Vision Systems Laboratory,
HTML Version.
Research Group, Ireland.
List of people
Dynamic Vision,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Not really a group, a summary of the research by Dickmann's group over the
years, with pictures, videos, etc.
List of people
Ecole Centrale Paris,
Le Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées aux Systèmes
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
EPFL, Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland. Modeling shape and motion from ordinary images and video sequences.
See also
List of people
Eindhoven University of Technology,
3D video and image content analysis
WWW Link.
Biomedical Image analysis:
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands. Multidimensional images. Applied physics.
List of people
Erasmus University,
Biomedical Imaging Group Rotterdam
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands.
List of people
Multimedia Information Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
Euvision Technologies,
Automatic image recognition on your phone.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe.
System, Impala.
Vendor, Impala.
List of people
Flying Eye,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Part of
See also
List of people
Fondazione Bruno Kessler,
Technologies of Vision, Intelligent Computer Vision
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Also: 3D Optical Metrology
WWW Link.
Formerly: Istituto Trentino di Cultura
Research Group, Italy. Content based indexing/retrieval of images and video sequences,
and Visual Surveillance (traffic monitoring, gesture recognition,
multiple target tracking).
List of people
Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas,
Computer Vision and Robotics Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, Greece.
List of people
Fourth Institute of Computer Science,
Computational Vision and Robotics Laboratory.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Greece.
List of people
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Multimedia Systems and Image Processing,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Visual computing, medical imaging, multimedia.
Part of
See also
List of people
Free University of Berlin,
Künstliche Intelligenz or
Artificial Intelligence Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
DLR: German Aerospace Center,
Various projects.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence,
DFKI: Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Multiple sites: Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen and Berlin.
Augmented Vision group.
See also
Augmented Vision, DFKI.
List of people
Ghent University,
IPI: Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Belgium.
List of people
Goethe University Frankfurt,
VSI: Visual Sensorics and Information Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Graz University of Technology,
Computer Graphics and Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria. 3D ojbect reconstruction, computer vision, graphics, medical image
analysis, object recognition, virtual reality.
See also
List of people
Halmstad University,
Signal Analysis Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Sweden. Biometric analysis, image query, OCR.
List of people
Heinrich Hertz Institut,
Image Processing Department
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Heriot-Watt University,
Biomedical Informatics Systems Engineering Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Biomedical imaging.
List of people
Humboldt University Berlin,
Institute for Theoretical Biology
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Image and Pattern Analysis Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Hungary.
List of people
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland. Media annotation, people detection and human gesture tracking and recognition.
List of people
IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment,
WWW Link.
Research Group, France. (previously CERTIS) is a joint group between
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment
A part of:
See also
Laboratoire d'informatique Gaspard-Monge.
List of people
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands. Image processing, primarily for parallel, real-time implementations.
List of people
Istituto Elettrotechnico Nazionale, IEN,
Computer Vision lab. School of Galileo Ferraris.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy. Scene understanding, 3D reconstruction.
List of people
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT,
PLUS: Pattern analysis, Learning, and image Understanding Systems laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy. Computer vision, multimedia, learning.
List of people
Imperial College, London,
Visual Information Processing
WWW Link.
Medical imaging, pervasive sensing.
Intelligent Behavoir Understanding Group:
WWW Link.
Biomedical Image Analysis (BioMedIA) Group
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
INRIA-Sophia AntipolisReport are generally available from the
INRIA reports page
HTML Version.
Research Group, France.
List of people
INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
ODYSSEE: Computer and biological vision
HTML Version.
Project Ariana. Cartography, earth observation.
WWW Link.
ORION: Intelligent environments for the resolution of problems
for autonomous systems.
HTML Version.
The ADVISOR project:
WWW Link.
The Asclepios project in medical image analysis, some code available:
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes IMAG,
PRIMA: Perception and Integration for Smart Spaces:
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes,
Models for Computer Vision:
WWW Link.
Other projects.
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
INRIA Lorraine,
LORIA, Image Synthesis and Analysis
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
Imadoc, Document Analysis
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
INSA Lyon,
Centre de Recherche et d'Applications en Traitement
de l'Image et du Signal
WWW Link.
Reconnaissance de Formes et Vision:
Pattern Recognition and Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
Integrated Machine Vision Cluster,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Finland.
List of people
Institute for Industrial Automation,
Artificial Perception Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Industrial applications.
List of people
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen,
European Comission, Joint Research Center.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. Funds research, has internal programs, includes monitoring, and sensors.
List of people
ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique,
SIMA (Integrated, Mobile and Autonomous Systems)
WWW Link.
Research Group, France. Funds research, has internal programs, includes monitoring, and sensors.
List of people
Institute of Science and Technology,
Computer Vision and Machine Learning
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria.
List of people
Instituto Superior Tecnico,
VisLab, Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Portugal. Active vision, robotics.
List of people
IT University of Copenhagen,
Image Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, Denmark. Medical applications, HCI.
List of people
Joanneum Research,
Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Institute of Digital Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria.
List of people
Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics - RICAM,
Part of Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria.
List of people
Katholieke University Leuven,
The center for Processing Speech and Images:
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Belgium. 3D modeling, database retrieval, augmented reality, inspection,
remote sensing, navigation, person identification, object recognition
List of people
King's College London,
Centre for Digital Signal Processing Research
WWW Link.
Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Signal processing.
List of people
Kingston University, London,
DIRC: Digital Imaging Research Centre
WWW Link.
Alternate version:
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
Koc University,
MVGL: Multimedia, Vision and Graphics Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Turkey.
List of people
Laboratoire d'informatique Gaspard-Monge,
Paris East, Ecole de Ponts
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
See also
IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment.
List of people
Leeds University,
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Behavor, tracking, medical imaging, bioinformatics.
List of people
Linkoping University,
Division of Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Linkoping Univ..
Research Group, Sweden. Robotics, object recognition, learning, medical images, tomography, filtering,
image analysis.
List of people
Lund University,
Mathematical Imaging Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Sweden. Geometric computer vision, cognitive vision and medical image analysis.
List of people
Machine Vision Portal,
Industrial imaging, sensors, optics.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. A source for information on industrial products, hardware and software.
List of people
Laboratoire MATIS,
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
See also
IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment.
List of people
Lappeenranta University of Technology,
Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Finland.
List of people
Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication,
Collaboration between the Max Planck Society and Stanford University.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
Graphics, Vision and Video
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Vision technologies and Intelligetn maps for mobile
attentive interfaces in urban scenarios.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Europe. A consortium of several groups with EU funding.
Recognize a landmark to determine location.
List of people
MoDyPe: Modélisation de la dynamique pelvienne,
Dynamic modeling of the pelvis.
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
WWW Link.
Research Group, EU. EU research project.
A number of datasets created through the project:
See also
Racing Bicycle Detection/Tracking from UAV Footage, UAV Detection.
See also
Boat Detection.
List of people
Mu Labs,
Image analysis, processing and vision
HTML Version.
Research Group, Slovenia.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
List of people
National Technical University of Athens,
Computer Vision, Speech Communication and Signal Processing Group
WWW Link.
Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Greece.
List of people
Norwegian Color Research Laboratory,
Color imaging.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Norway.
List of people
WWW Link.
Visual Geometry Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Active vision, visual geometry, medical imaging, manufacturing systems,
sonar, robotics.
Oxford Image Examples,
HTML Version.
See also
Oxford Town Center.
List of people
Oxford Brookes University,
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
Pascal: Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning,
Distributed Institute
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. A number of projects, reports, datasets, etc.
See also
PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012, The.
List of people
Pattern Recogniton Company,
Various projects. Medical, Handwriting, Inspection.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
List of people
Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd.,
Medical Imaging
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis. From the Oxford Group.
List of people
Politecnico di Milano,
Image and Sound Processing Group
WWW Link.
Sensors and perception group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
Pompeu Fabra University,
Computational Imaging Lab
WWW Link.
in Barcelona
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
Queen Mary University of London,
Queen Mary Vision Laboratory,
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Dynamic scene analysis, statistical methods for pattern recognition and
learning, biologically inspired vision, algebraic methods for visual
information processing and estimation of 3d information from video sequences.
List of people
Queen's University of Belfast,
Centre for Image and Vision Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Watermarking, surveillance.
List of people
Image analysis.
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
Vendor, Image Stitching.
Vendor, Motion Capture. Mosaic, Panoramic image generation software.
Shape from X modeling, motion capture.
Derived from INRIA work.
List of people
Robert Gordon University,
Cognitive Engineering Research Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK. Graphics, video, visulatization.
List of people
Rovira i Virgili University,
Intelligent Robotics and Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Robotics.
List of people
Royal Institute of Technology KTH,
Computational Vision and Active Perception Laboratory
Department of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science
TRITA-NAAnd some
WWW Link.
Research Group, Sweden. Object class recognition, people tracking, human motion recognition,
model based tracking, learning, robotics.
List of people
Royal Military Academy,
Signal and Image Centre
WWW Link.
Research Group, Belgium.
List of people
Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Institut für Neuroinformatik, System Biophysics.
HTML Version.
Computer Vision, Robotics.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Saarland University,
Mathematical Image Analysis Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Image processing, morphology, enhancement.
List of people
Sabanci University,
VPA: Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Turkey.
List of people
Scottish Imaging Network: SINAPSE,
Medical Imaging
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Combined six Scottish universities. Medical Imaging.
List of people
Sheffield Hallam University,
Microsystems and Machine Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Real-time vision techniques.
List of people
Siemens VDO Automotive,
Various projects. Includes driver assistance.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Driver Assistance.
List of people
SLR Engineering,
2008. Image Processing.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
Vendor, Pedestrian Tracking.
Vendor, License Plate Recognition.
List of people
Sud Paris,
Intermedia group at Telecom and Management, SudParis
(Institut TELECOM, France).
WWW Link.
Gestures, biometrics.
Research Group, France.
List of people
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Vision@IPM Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland.
List of people
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich,
ETHComputer Vision Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland. Interpretation of 2D and 3D image data sets from conventional
and non-conventional image sources.
Photogrammetry group:
WWW Link.
Aerial Image Dataset,
Dataset, Aerial Images.
WWW Link.
List of people
Technical University of Catalonia,
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Romania.
List of people
Technical University of Darmstadt,
Multimodal Interactive Systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Technical University of Denmark,
Informatics and Mathematical Modeling
WWW Link.
Research Group, Denmark.
See also
Active Appearance Models.
List of people
Technical University of Lisbon,
Multimedia Signal Processing Group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Portugal.
List of people
Technical University Munich,
Image Understanding and Knowledge Based Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Software, 3D models, aerial images, RoboCup, parallel techniques.
List of people
Technische Universität München, Informatics, Robotic and Embedded Systems,
Computer vision, model-based tracking, robotic applications, embedded platforms
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Technical University of Vienna,
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Austria. Image pyramids, 3D vision, graphs, object recognition.
List of people
Tele Atlas N.V.,
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands.
List of people
Telecom Paris,
Image Processing and Understanding Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, France. Spatial reasoning, medical imaging, remote sensing.
List of people
3DTV Content Search.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. EC Collaborative project for 3 years from 2011 from France, Germany,
and Greece.
List of people
Toshiba Research Europe,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe.
List of people
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. EU-funded project aiming to develop new computational methods to analyze
neuroimaging data arising in the standard clinical treatment
of brain disorders.
List of people
TrimBot Project,
Investigate outdoor robotics and computer vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, Europe. Media Centre with various other resources:
WWW Link. 3 technical videos (2,6,7 min) showing the robot building a garden map,
pruning a rose plant, and trimming a topiary bush:
HTML Version.
List of people
Trinity College Dublin,
Computer Vision and Robotics Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Ireland. Industrial inspection, visual surveillance, blackjack monitoring,
and mobile robotics.
List of people
Tübingen University,
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybenetics
HTML Version.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Mathematical Analysis of Images
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Morphology.
List of people
Universidad Politechnica de Valencia,
Geo-Environmental Cartography and Remote Sensing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Face Recognition and Artificial Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
Universitat de Girona,
VICOROB: Computer Vision and Robotics.
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
Université de Bourgogne,
Le2i - Laboratory of Electronics, Computer Science and Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, France. Multispectral images, medical imaging, 3D vision.
List of people
Universitat de València,
Robotics Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
University of Bergen,
Section for Medical Image Analysis and Informatics,
HTML Version.
Research Group, Norway.
List of people
University of Brescia,
Laboratory of Optoelectronics
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Caen,
Image Processing for Computer Aided Diagnosis
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
University of Castilla-La Mancha,
UCLM Vislab group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Computer vision and artificial intelligence tools for industrial and
biomedical applications.
List of people
University College Dublin,
Multi Modal Signal Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Ireland.
List of people
University College London,
Laboratory of computational vision
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University Jaume I,
Institute of New Imaging Technologies
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Spectral Imaging.
Spectral Imaging Data Base,
Dataset, Spectral Imaging.
WWW Link.
List of people
Swansea University,
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Alcala,
Geintra Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
University of Algarve,
Vision Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Portugal. Modeling, image processing, parallel computing.
List of people
University of Amsterdam,
Intelligent Systems Lab:
WWW Link.
Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands. Perception, learning, geometric, robotics, multimedia.
See also
Amsterdam Library of Object Images, The.
List of people
University of Autononoma de Barcelona,
Computer Vision Center
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Data fusion. Driver assistance.
List of people
University of the Balearic Islands,
Computer Graphics and Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
University of Basel,
GRAVIS: Graphics and Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland. Analysis-by-synthesis. Face modeling, perception, recognition.
List of people
University of of Bath,
Signal and Image Processing Group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
See also
Smart Sensors Limited.
List of people
University of Beira Interior,
Soft Computing and Image Analysis Group (SOCIA Lab)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Portugal. Iris recognition.
See also
UBIRIS database.
List of people
University of Bern,
Research Group on Computer Vision
and Artificial Intelligence (FKI)
WWW Link.
Document image analysis, handwriting recognition, structural and syntactic
pattern recognition, and biometric person authentication.
Research Group, Switzerland.
List of people
University of Bielefeld,
Neuroinformatics Group
WWW Link.
Applied Computer Science Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of of Birmingham,
Multi-modal interaction laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Bologna,
Biometric Systems Lab:
WWW Link.
Vision Mathematics Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Bonn, Institute for Photogrammetry,
Photogrammetry. Remote sensing. Feature extraction, building detection.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Bonn, Computer Vision Group,
Institute of Computer Science. Motion Analysis.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Bremen,
Institute for Neurophysics
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Brighton,
Applied Image Processing Resource Unit
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Bristol,
Visual Information Lab
WWW Link. Bristol Robotics Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Motion analysis and tracking, medical image processing,
industrial inspection, natural scene classification.
List of people
University of Copenhagen,
Image Research Group
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Denmark. Multi-scale, example based recognition,
List of people
University of Dundee,
Computer Vision and Imaging Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Medical analysis, video processing. Retrieval. Surveillance.
List of people
University of Edinburgh,
Department of Artificial Intelligence,
WWW Link.
School of Informatics:
WWW Link.
Machine Vision Unit:
WWW Link.
Laser imaging.
Fish 4 Knowledge Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. They have made various datasets available.
List of people
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Pattern Recognition
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Essex,
Vision and Synthetic Environments Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Omnidirectional vision.
List of people
University of Exeter,
Advanced Technologies Research Institute
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Florence,
Multi media.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Freiburg,
Chair of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
HTML Version.
Research Group, Germany. Invariants, classifiers, projective geometry, motion and depth.
See also
ImageJ-Plugins -- Various Plugins for the image manipulation software ImageJ. A Number of Datasets:
HTML Version. And available code or implementations.
List of people
University of Geneva,
Computer Vision and Multimedia Lab:
WWW Link.
HCI, multimedia, CBIR, stochastic image processing, watermarking.
And: Statistical Learning & Image Processing:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland.
List of people
University of Genova,
LIRA-Lab -- Laboratory for integrated advanced robotics
WWW Link.
InfoMus Lab
Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Glasgow,
Computer Vision & Graphics
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. 3d modeling, data compression, medical imaging.
List of people
University of Granada,
Visual Information Processing:
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain. Applications: Biomedicine/Astronomy/Cartography.
Feature extraction. Shape recognition.
Multiresolution processing. Scale selection.
Perceptual Distortion Measures. Target distinctness.
Visual perception. Image Representational models.
Image and video coding.
List of people
Universidad de Córdoba,
Departamento de Informática y Análisis Numérico
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
University of Groninen,
Intelligent Systems Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands.
List of people
University of Hamburg,
Cognitive Systems Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Hannover,
Leibniz Universtät Hannover:
Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
WWW Link.
Also: Institut für Informationsverarbeitung
WWW Link.
Also: Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Photogrammetry, quality control, GIS, close range photogrammetry.
List of people
University of Heidelberg BMCV,
Biomedical Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Heidelberg,
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing
WWW Link.
and related research groups:
Digital Image Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany. Industrial image analysis.
List of people
Universite Jean Monnet,
Laboratoire Hubert Curien.
Image Science and Computer Vision Group, Saint Etienne.
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
University of Jena,
Digital Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Kaiserslautern, IUPR,
Image Understanding and Pattern Recognition.
Part of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
See also
Warped Documents, IUPR.
List of people
University of Karlsruhe,
Interactive Systems Labs (ISL) (Face Recognition)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Koblenz,
Image Recognition
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Leeuwarden,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands.
List of people
University of Liège,
INTELSIG: Laboratory for Signal and Image Exploitation
WWW Link.
Research Group, Belgium.
List of people
University of Luebeck,
Institute for Signal Processing
WWW Link.
Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Ljubljana,
Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Visual Cognitive Systems Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Slovenia.
List of people
University of Lugano,
Institute of Computational Science
WWW Link.
Research Group, Switzerland.
List of people
University of Malaga,
MAPIR: Machine Perception and Intelligent Robotics Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
See also
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit, The.
List of people
University of Manchester,
Sensing, Imaging and Signal Processing (SISP)
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Manchester, Medicine,
Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
See also
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Messina,
Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Milano,
Laboratory of Applied Intelligent Systems (AIS Lab)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Muenster,
Computer Vision und Pattern Recognition Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Nottingham,
Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Oulu,
Center for Machine Vision Research
WWW Link.
Research Group, Finland.
List of people
University of Paderborn,
GET Computer Vision lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
University of Paris 13,
L2TI Laboratory: Visual Information Processing and Analysis Team
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
University of Pavia,
Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
Universite Paris IX Dauphine,
Centre De Recherche en Mathématiques de la Décision
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
University of Parma,
WWW Link.
ARGO Project
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Pisa,
Industrial Vision Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Plymouth,
Robotic Intelligence Laboratory:
HTML Version.
Natural Object Categorisation Group:
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Politecnica Madrid,
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Spain.
List of people
University of Reading,
Computational Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Computational issues of image interpretation.
List of people
University of Sheffield,
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Stuttgart,
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, Germany.
List of people
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg,
Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Image, de l'Informatique et de la Télédétection
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
List of people
University of Surrey,
Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing Group.
WWW Link.
Also: Language Independent Lip Reading
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK. Several datasets are available.
See also
XM2VTSDB: The Extended M2VTS Database.
See also
BANCA Database, The.
See also
Recognition And Vision Library.
See also
TLD: Tracks the object, Learns its appearance and Detects.
List of people
University of Sussex,
COGS Vision Research
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Tours,
LIFAT Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, France.
See also
STVD-PVCD: Large-Scale TV Dataset.
List of people
University of Twente,
Laboratory for Measurement and Instrumentation
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands.
List of people
University of Ulster,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of Verona,
Vision, Image Processing, and Sound Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Italy.
List of people
University of Warwick,
Signal and Image Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of the West of England,
Machine Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK.
List of people
University of York,
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
HTML Version.
Research Group, UK. Theoretical foundations, feature detection, tracking, graph matching,
radar imaging, connectionist systems.
Note York Univ is in Canada, Univ. of York is in England.
List of people
University of Zagreb,
Image Processing Group (IPG)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Croatia.
List of people
Uppsala University,
Centre for Image Analysis (CBA) also with
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Sweden.
List of people
Utrecht University,
Image Science Institute
WWW Link.
Research Group, The Netherlands. Biomedical, MRI, registration. Originally the 3D Computer Vision group, but
the activities expanded.
Part of the Graduate School for Biomedical Image Sciences.
List of people
Carleton University,
Geographical Information Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
List of people
Concordia University,
Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Especially documents.
List of people
1997. Owns several other surveillance companies.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Surveillance. Synergis and Omnicast.
See also
Autovu Inc..
List of people
Laval University,
Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory (CVSL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
List of people
McGill University,
Department of Computer Science,
WWW Link.
perception, visualization, shape analysis, robotics, probabilistic
Also the Psychology department group:
HTML Version.
Research Group, Canada.
List of people
National University of Mexico,
Research Group, Mexico.
List of people
Queen's University,
Diagram Recognition Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Documents, tables, diagrams.
List of people
SANI International Technology Advisors Inc.,
GIS, Photogrammetry
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
Vendor, Photogrammetry.
List of people
Simon Fraser University,
Computational Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Computational models of color vision.
List of people
Universidade Federal do Paraná,
IMAGO: Computer Vision and Graphics
HTML Version.
Research Group, Brazil.
List of people
University of Alberta,
Computer Vision and Multimedia Communications
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Database and server systems, image compression, inspection.
List of people
University of British Columbia,
UBCVancouver, BC.
UBC Lab for Computational Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Robotics, Computational vision, Constraint systems.
The source for Vista
See also
Vista: A Software Environment for Computer Vision Research.
List of people
University of Calgary,
Digital Media Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, Canada. Code for chain codes and Hough are available.
See also
Hough Transform Code.
List of people
University of Costa Rica,
Image Processing and Computer Vision Research Laboratory (IPCV-LAB)
WWW Link.
Research Group, Costa Rica. Image segmentation, pose, shape, color, mimic and motion estimation.
List of people
University of Guelph,
Robot Vision Group of Intelligent Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Robotic controls.
List of people
University of Ottawa,
VIVA: Video, Image, Vision and Audio Research Group
WWW Link.
DISCOVER: DIStributed and COllaborative Virtual Environment Research
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Image based rendering, visual surveillance, image and video,
range sensing, matching.
The Incogna Spinoff
See also
List of people
Université du Quebec,
Laboratory for imagery, vision, and artificial intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Documents.
List of people
University of Sao Paulo,
Creative Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Cybernetic Vision Research:
HTML Version.
Research Group, Brazil. Neural networks, vision systems.
List of people
University of Saskatchewan,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Color, shape, biomedical, edge detection
List of people
Universite de Sherbrooke,
Centre de Moivre
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada.
List of people
University of Toronto,
WWW Link.
eyeTap Personal Imaging Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Open Vidia code.
See also
OpenVidia. Large group.
CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 Datasets,
Dataset, Tiny Images.
HTML Version.
10 classes, 10000 images per class. Or 100 classes t00 images each.
List of people
University of Western Ontario,
Computer Vision and Image Processing
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. 2-d and 3-d motion.
List of people
University of Waterloo,
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. Knowledge Systems, image processing, autonomous systems, sensors.
List of people
York University,
Vision Lab:
WWW Link.
Center For Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Canada. human motion, HCI.
Note York U is in Canada, Univ. of York is in England.
List of people
Video analysis software.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Surveillance.
Recently acquired by Honeywell.
See also
List of people
Robotics systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots.
List of people
Alcorn State,
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (PRIA) Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Amerinex Applied Imaging,
Image Understanding software
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis. The Aphelion software environment.
List of people
Arizona State University,
Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing
WWW Link.
See also
FacePix Database. Also:
Partnership for Research in Spatial Modeling
WWW Link.
Arts, Media and Engineering Program
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Avaya Labs,
Multimedia Technologies.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Multimedia. Descendant of Bell Labs and Lucent.
Spun off in 2002.
List of people
Boston Dynamics,
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots. Legged robots for rough terrain.
List of people
Boston University,
Image and Video Computing Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Research in human motion and gesture analysis, Image and video databases,
medical image analysis, multicamera vision systems, tracking
and behaviors.
List of people
Brigham Young University,
Human-Centered Machine Intelligence Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Brown University,
Brown LEMS, Providence, RI 02912.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Primary areas of Image processing, shape representation, modeling, matching.
List of people
California Institute of Technology,
Computational Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Computational foundations of vision. A number of datasets are available
CalTech 101 Objects Categories,
Dataset, Objects.
HTML Version.
CalTech 256 Objects Categories,
Dataset, Objects.
WWW Link.
30607 images, 256 categories.
CalTech 100 Natural Scenes,
Dataset, Natural Scenes.
WWW Link.
CalTech 10000 Web Faces,
Dataset, Faces.
WWW Link.
CalTech Turntable Images,
Dataset, 3D Data.
WWW Link.
144 calibrated viewpoints, 3 lighting variations.
CalTech Archived Images,
Dataset, Images.
HTML Version.
CalTech-UCSD Birds 200 2011,
Dataset, Images.
HTML Version.
Dataset, Birds. Extension of the CUB-200 dataset.
List of people
CCNY: City University New York,
Media Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
CITeR: Center for Identification Technology Research,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Charles River Analytics, Inc.,
Computational Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Software. The VisionKit™ for computer vision systems development.
List of people
CMU School of Computer Science,
CMU-CSMany CMU reports are available online:
HTML Version.
of the index.
Research Group, US.
List of people
CMU Robotics Institute,
WWW Link.
List of research projects:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
CMU Digital Mapping Laboratory,
The intersection of image understanding, artificial intelligence, and cartography.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
CMU interACT,
International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Carnegie Mellon Vision and Autonomous Systems Center, VASC,
Computer vision, autonomous navigation, virtual reality,
intelligent manipulation, space robotics
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Colorado State University,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Focuses on semantic object recognition in complex domains.
Human ID project.
Evaluation code:
See also
CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The.
List of people
Columbia University,
ColumbiaNew York.
Computer Vision Laboratory (CAVE)
WWW Link.
Three areas: creation of vision sensors, desing of physice based models,
and algorithms for scene interpretation.
See also
Big Shot Camera. Robotics Group:
WWW Link.
Includes navigation and 3-D models building and visualization.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Cornell University,
CornellIthaca, NY.
WWW Link.
Also: Cornell 3D Reconstruction Group (moved from Stanford):
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Databases, motion and recognition.
List of people
Dartmouth University,
Image Science Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. digital forensics, image analysis, computer vision, and human perception.
List of people
Delphi Electronics and Safety,
Driver safety, monitoring, assistance.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Driver Assistance.
List of people
Digital Equipment Corp.,
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. A collection of resources for Human Pose. Papers, Surveys, etc.
List of people
Disney Research,
Computer Vision
HTML Version.
Video Processing
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company. Locations in Pittsburgh, Zurich, Boston.
List of people
Duke University,
Duke Robotics Intelligence and Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, tracking, ASL and gesture recognition.
List of people
Electro Technical Laboratory,
ETLUS Army research lab.
Research Group, US Government.
List of people
Epson Research and Development,
ASD Group. Algorithms and devices for digital imaging and video.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Fordham University,
Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
George Mason University,
Center for Distributed and Intelligent Computation
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Biometrics, robotics, HCI, neural networks, models from video.
List of people
Georgia Tech,
Computational Perception Laboratory
WWW Link.
Computational Computer vision
HTML Version.
Contextual Computing Group
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Aware environments, human activity, tracking, modeling, multimedia,
video scene reconstruction, image-based rendering, animation.
See also
Large Geometric Models Archive.
List of people
GE Research,
Computer Vision Group --
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Aerial video analysis, surveillance, change detection.
List of people
Harvard University,
HarvardVarious Harvard departments.
Harvard Robotics Lab
WWW Link.
Surgical Planning Lab:
WWW Link.
Medical, surgical applications.
Research Group, US.
List of people
HP Labs,
Managing photo and video collections.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Query.
List of people
HRL Laboratories,
Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Descended from the Hughes Research Lab.
List of people
Security Systems.
WWW Link.
Honeywell Video Systems.
HTML Version.
Vendor, Surveillance.
Research Group, Company. Recently acquired ActivEye.
See also
List of people
Heartland Robotics,
Startup Robot systems from the MIT robotics group.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Robots.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Hunter College of CUNY,
Computer Vision Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Photorealistic 3D modeling.
List of people
Lehman College of CUNY,
Computer Vision and Computational Software Laboratory
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Smartphone applications
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Vendor, Object Recognition. Phone app to take picture of object and speak what it is.
Developed by
WWW Link.
List of people
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, NY,
IBM Watsonor
IBMand some report number.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
IBM Journal of Research and Development,
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
IBM Systems Journal,
Research Group, Company.
List of people
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin,
Research Group, Company.
List of people
IBM Research,
Exploratory Computer Vision Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Face Detection.
Vendor, Image Query. MIT AI lab spinoff.
PCB Inspection, image databases, face detection, logo search
List of people
Imagineer Systems,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Post Production.
Vendor, Image Processing. Software development for film production, includes image matching,
warping, removing wires, scratches, tracking, etc.
List of people
Intel Corp.,
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Processing. Intel is the source for OpenCV.
See also
List of people
International Computer Science Institute,
ICSIBerkeley, CA.
Research Group, US.
WWW Link.
List of people
Iowa State University,
Human Computer Interaction Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. How the human visual system receives, selects and processes information
in real-world and virtual environments.
See also
List of people
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Vendor, Robots.
Research Group, Company. Various robots including the Roomba Vaccuum Cleaning robots, sweepers, gutters,
pools, basic platforms for developers.
List of people
Jet Proplusion Laboratory,
JPLPasadena, CA.
Robotic systems group:
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US Government. Stereo, robotics, guidance, Mars Rovers.
List of people
Johns Hopkins University,
Computational Interaction and Robotics Lab
WWW Link.
And: Center for Imaging Science
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Understanding the problems that involve dynamic, spatial interaction
at the intersection of vision, robotics, and human-computer interaction.
List of people
KitWare, Inc,
Visualization, computer vision, medical imaging,
data publishing and quality software process
WWW Link.
Vendor, Image Processing.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Khoral Research, Inc,
Software development.
WWW Link.
Creators of Khoros which is now available from:
WWW Link.
Code, Image Processing.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Imaging and Collaborative Computing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image understanding, reasoning, image-based informatics, and
computational molecular biology.
List of people
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab,
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
CSAILAI group memo
MIT AI Memoor
MIT AIMAI Memos are shorter reports.
MIT AI TRAI Tech Reports are longer (often the thesis). Also Project MAC
Technical Reports
MAC-TRMost are available through:
AI TR and Memo series go to 2004, then the CSAIL series.
WWW Link.
CS & AI Lab Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Activity, learning, medical vision, and vision interfaces.
Perceptual Science Group:
WWW Link.
Sensing Perception Autonomy and Robot Kinetics
WWW Link.
Motion Magnification
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
MIT Places Database for Scene Recognition,
Dataset, Recognition.
WWW Link. 205 scene categories, 2.5Million images.
SUN 397 Database,
List of people
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab,
Fluid Interfaces (formerly Ambient Intelligence group)
WWW Link.
Human Dynamics, Gesture systems, wearable systems.
See also
Sixth Sense Project. Affective Computing
WWW Link.
See also the MIT Mood Meter:
WWW Link.
WWW Link.
VismodThe Vismod papers are available through
WWW Link.
Vismod is no longer an active research group, old info via:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sensable City Laboratory,
Urban environments.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Intelligent guidance around a city, learns what you want.
List of people
Michigan State University,
Department of Computer Science,
MSUAnd the lab home page:
WWW Link.
Also a Biometrics group:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Microsoft Research,
MicrosoftVision, Generally:
WWW Link.
Visual Computing:
WWW Link.
There are a large number of other research groups under the vision
category. Vision for applications, HCI.
AutoCollage product.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis.
See also
List of people
Middlebury College,
Robotics and Vision Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Stereo, active vision, feature matching, motion. Various datasets are
List of people
Migma Systems,
2002. Image Processing.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Pedestrian Detection.
List of people
MERL: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories,
Computer Vision Projects:
WWW Link.
Imaging projects:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Display, surveillance and other image analysis projects.
List of people
Naval Postgraduate School,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Gesture recognition
List of people
Newton Labs,
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Analysis. Variety of image analysis systems and hardware for tracking, etc.
List of people
New York University,
Department of Computer Science,
NYULaboratory for Computational Vision.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Statistical properties, motion, image analysis.
List of people
North Carolina State University,
Image Analysis Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Hyperspectral imaging, medical imaging.
See also
IFS: Image File System.
List of people
Northwestern University,
Image and Video Processing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Video, wireless video transmission, audio-visual speech,
shape coding, texture segmentation, wavelet based video compression,
and video surveillance.
List of people
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Vendor, Image Analysis. Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) applied to vision.
Neocortex based computing model. Object recognition, tracking.
List of people
Ohio State University,
Signal Analysis and Machine Perception Laboratory (SAMPL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Broad research areas, hyper and multi-spectral, aerial images,
medical images, range processing, human motion, inspection.
Various datasets for 2-D and 3-D data.
OSU Datasets,
Dataset, Images.
HTML Version.
List of people
Oklahoma State University,
Visual Computing and Image Processing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Aerial image analysis, infrared images,
List of people
Oregon State University,
Computer Graphics and Vision.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Palo Alto Research Center,
Information Visualization & Interaction:
HTML Version.
Perceptual Document Analysis:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Document Analysis. Document analysis.
List of people
Penn State University,
LPAC: Laboratory for Perception, Action, and Cognition
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Multiple vision groups -- perception, action and cognition, multidimensional
image processing, intelligent information systems.
CAD based vision, HCI, robotics.
List of people
PrincetonComputer Science Department. Computer vision group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Human action classification.
WWW Link.
SUNRGBD: A RGB-D Scene Understanding Benchmark Suite,
Dataset, RGBD.
WWW Link.
Indoor Scenes.
List of people
Purdue University,
PurdueRobot Vision Lab, Sensory intelligence for the machines of the future:
WWW Link.
LARS: Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing:
WWW Link.
See also
MultiSpec: A Freeware Multispectral Image Data Analysis System.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.,
Troy, NY,
Various Departments,
RPIThe Vision Lab home page:
WWW Link.
Intelligent Systems Lab:
WWW Link.
Tetherless World Constellation:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image registration,
tracking, segmentation, 3d modeling and geometric algorithms.
List of people
Robot Vision 2 Inc.,
Image processing.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Code, Image Analysis. Cross Platform software development and software for Image Processing and Robot Vision
List of people
RutgersRobust Image Understanding Laboratory.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Develop reliable techniques for Computer Vision employing modern
statistical methods.
List of people
Samsung Digital Media Solutions Lab,
Detection, tracking, recognition. The Irvine, CA group works
on "new" TV products.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
Sarnoff Research,
SarnoffVision Technology Unit
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. There are also Sarnoff spin-off companies.
List of people
Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute,
Human vision research.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
List of people
SRI AI Center,
SRI AICenteror
SRI AIMemoor
SRIThe Vision group home page:
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company. Machine vision, expert systems, evidential reasoning, and virtual reality.
List of people
Stanford University, Computer Science Departent,
Technical report
STAN-CSsome as
Stanford AIThe Stanford Vision Lab:
WWW Link.
Stanford Vision and Imaging Science and Technology
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Also: Make3D moved to Cornell
See also
Cornell University.
See also
Stanford Cars Dataset.
List of people
Stanford University Medical Center,
National Biocomputation Center
WWW Link.
Medical imaging.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Stevens Institute of Technology,
CS Department, Computer Vision Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
SUNY at Buffalo,
Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition (CEDAR)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Document analysis.
List of people
SUNY at Stony Brook,
Computer Vision Lab (CVL):
WWW Link.
Image Analysis Lab:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3D modeling, depth from focus, depth from stereo.
List of people
Texas A&M University,
Sketch Recognition Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Integration of sketch and gesture
List of people
Texas Tech University,
Applied Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Computer Vision and Image Analysis Lab (CVIAL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Arizona,
Computer Science, Intelligent Systems:
HTML Version.
Signal and Image Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Optical Sciences:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of California, Berkeley,
Various Departments,
UCBMay also include LLL and LBL.
Computer Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Grouping, matching, object recognition, human activities, vision based
traffic surveillance, image retrieval.
List of people
University of California, Irvine,
Computer Vision Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Representation and recognition of 3-D objects.
List of people
University of California, Los Angeles,
Computer Graphics & Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Also: Vision Lab. Structure from motion, control, deformations.
WWW Link.
Also: Center for Image and Vision Science:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of California, Merced,
Computer Vision Lab at UC Merced
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Integrating vision and non-vision geospatial data.
List of people
University of California, Riverside,
Visualization & Intelligent Systems Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Automatic object recognition, learning in computer vision and
pattern recognition, multimodal biometrics, image and video databases,
autonomous navigation, network monitoring and intrusion detection,
remote sensing, manufacturing, and various industrial, medical, and
biological applications.
List of people
University of California, San Diego,
Computer Vision Laboratory:
WWW Link.
Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory:
WWW Link.
UC San Diego Computer Vision and Robotics Research:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Sensor-based intelligent systems.
List of people
University of California, Santa Barbara,
Various Departments,
UCSBFour Eyes Lab:
WWW Link.
Image Processing and Vision Research Labs
WWW Link.
Computer Vision Research Laboratory:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of California, Santa Cruz,
Computer Vision Lab
WWW Link.
Perceptual Science Lab. Face analysis.
WWW Link.
Visual Computing Laboratory.
HTML Version.
Multidimensional Signal Processing (MDSP)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Central Florida,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Video retrieval, tracking, object recognition, aerial images,
video understanding, segmentation, shape from shading, matching.
The group makes a number of datasets available.
See also
UCF Action Recogniton Dataset 101.
List of people
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs,
Vision And Security Technology Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. The VAST lab moved here from Lehigh.
Video surveillance systems, biometrics, biometric fusion,
supporting trauma treatment, steganalysis, network security,
detection of chemical and bilogical weapons.
List of people
University of Delaware,
Video / Image Modeling and Synthesis Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Florida,
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Medical Imaging (CVGMI)
WWW Link.
And: Computational Science and Intelligence Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Georgia,
Visual and Parallel Computing Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Ojbect tracking, surgery, compression, genomics.
List of people
University of Hawaii at Manoa,
Image Sequence Processing Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Sequence processing and coding.
List of people
University of Houston,
Computational Biomedicine Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Medical applications.
List of people
University of Illinois,
Various Departments,
IllinoisVision Lab page:
WWW Link.
Quantitative Light Imaging (QLI) Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, Textures, 3-D recognition and representation, cameras, rendering,
University of Illinois Datasets,
Dataset, Texture. 25 textures, 40 samples.
Dataset, Natural Scenes. 15 Categories.
Dataset, Stereo Data. 9 objects, 80 images
Dataset, Multi-View Data. 10 datasets, 24 images of a single object each.
Dataset, Visual Hull.
Dataset, Object Recognition. Birds, Butterflys, etc.
Dataset, Video.
WWW Link.
List of people
University of Kentucky,
Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Louisville,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Medical imaging, remote sensing.
List of people
University of Maryland,
Center for Automation Research
UMD-CAR-TRor Mostly
UMDUnder the CS TR series.
More recent papers under:
UMIACSFor online versions try:
WWW Link.
HTML Version.
The overall Institute for Advanced Computer Studies:
WWW Link.
The Computer Vision Lab (Center for Automation Research):
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Large varied research group.
List of people
University of Massachusetts,
Computer Science
UMassGeneral information
WWW Link.
and for the techreports
WWW Link.
Most, but not all, since 1991 are available by year and report number.
And the Computer vision Lab page:
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Large group with various projects. Aerial image analysis, sensor networks,
sign recognition.
List of people
University of Miami,
Computer Vision and Image Processing Laboratory
HTML Version.
automated video surveillance, face modeling and recognition.
And: Center for Confluent Media Studies
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Animation, Telepresence
List of people
University of Michigan,
Computer Science
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Minnesota,
Artifical Intelligence, Robotics and Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Learning, robotics, activity recognition, navigation.
List of people
University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Information Science Research Institute,
ISRILas Vegas, NV
Annual reports on OCR software.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Nevada, Reno,
Computer Vision Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Object recognition, visual motion analysis, 3D reconstruction,
face detection/recognition, biometrics, tracking.
List of people
University of North Carolina,
Vision Group
HTML Version.
Interactive graphics, image processing.
Also: IDEA Group, Medical School group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Vision Group
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Interactive graphics, image processing.
List of people
University of Notre Dame,
Computer Vision Research Lab
WWW Link.
And: Laboratory for Image and Signal Analysis
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Face, iris, range analysis.
List of people
University of Pacific,
Center for Undergraduate Research in Machine Intelligence
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Pennsylvania,
UPennGrasp lab.
WWW Link.
Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory (PICSL)
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics, vision, perception, control, automation and learning.
See also
FLIC: Frames Labelled in Cinema.
List of people
University of Rochester,
RochesterComputer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Vision, robotics, computational vision, active vision.
List of people
University of South Florida,
Image Analysis Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3D structure, 3D motion, object or person identity, material property, or
geometric shape from images.
List of people
University of Southern California, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
USCVision Group home page:
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Video analysis, 3D recognition, activity description.
See also
Bibliography Supporters.
List of people
University of Southern California, Signal and Image Processing,
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
Dataset, Images. Image processing. Some of the old standard image datasets (texture,
vehicles, compression).
List of people
University of Southern California, Visual Processing Laboratory,
Visual Processing Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. 3-D recognition and modeling.
List of people
University of Texas, Dallas,
Face Perception and Research Laboratories
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Face recognition, tracking.
List of people
University of Utah,
Center for Scientific Computing and Imaging.
WWW Link.
Visual Environments:
WWW Link.
Prototyping, interfaces, virtual environments,
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Virginia,
Computer Vision Research
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
University of Washington,
GRAIL: Graphics and Imaging Laboratory
WWW Link.
Video, photo tourism, reconstructions, textures, matching, modeling
Also: Image Computing Systems Lab
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image processing, medical imaging, and computer imaging.
List of people
University of West Florida,
Robotics and Image Analysis Laboratory
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics and medical imaging.
List of people
University of Wisconsin,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Image-based modeling, analysis, recognition, and rendering;
Medical image analysis; Motion analysis;
Three-dimensional shape representation and recognition,
especially image-based representations.
List of people
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire,
Computer Vision
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
U.S. Geological Survey,
USGS Spectroscopy Lab.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Methods for identifying and mapping materials through
spectroscopic remote sensing.
And if you want something really fun:
(Live, or near-live, Landsat images.)
WWW Link.
List of people
Vanderbilt University,
Center for Intelligent Systems
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Robotics.
List of people
Vicarious Systems University,
Startup, build intelligent machines to understand images.
HTML Version.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Videre Design,
Robotics, Stereo
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Stereo. Derived from SRI work. Distribute the Stereo system
List of people
Image databases.
HTML Version.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Image Query. Image database management systems.
List of people
Virginia Tech,
VPISUAlso Virginia Poyltechnic and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Computer Vision Group.
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
3D Models.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, 3D Models. PhotoNav3D.
List of people
Washington University in St. Louis,
Media and Machines
WWW Link.
Research Group, US. Graphics, computer vision, robotics.
List of people
Willow Garage,
Robot systems.
WWW Link.
Research Group, Company.
Vendor, Robots.
Vendor, Image Processing. Mobile robots mostly. Open source startup.
Support and developemnt for OpenCV.
See also
OpenCV. Also:
Contests in recognition
WWW Link.
List of people
Worchester Polytechnic Institute,
Image Science Research Group
WWW Link.
Research Group, US.
List of people
Wright State University,
Intelligent Systems Lab
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Surgery, range sensors, image registration.
List of people
YaleNew Haven, CT.
Yale School of Medicine Image Processing and Analysis
WWW Link.
Biological Image code.
See also
Bioimage Suite. And, Center for Computational Vision and Control
HTML Version.
Research Group, US. Face dataset.
See also
Yale Face Database.
List of people
HTML Version.
Research Group, Italy. SpotIt! is an integrated system for the creation of photographic
quality face composites and to automagically find the most similar
faces in a large database.
See also
Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
See also
Spotit: An Interactive Identikit System.
List of people
Total found: 463