If you know where a researcher is from you can usually find more information on their work. Research group web sites (especially university sites) usually provide links to individuals in the group, descriptions of recent (and often past) work, and papers by members of that group (both past and present). The group sites are the best source for finding specific information and for making contact with the individual researchers. This page lists research groups by country (alphabetical by the common (American) English name of the country). Each entry also includes a link to the people, known to the bibliography, that are in that group (based on the email or web address). Groups listed here are probably larger than a single research group. A university with multiple different groups should have one entry here.
Computer Vision resources include:
For more information on the topics, contact information, etc. see the annotated Computer Vision Bibliography or the Complete Conference Listing for Computer Vision and Image Analysis
Research Group, Australia
* *Adept Electronic Solutions
* *Australian Centre for Visual Technologies
* *Australian National University, The
* *Cooperative Research Center for Sensor Signal and Image Processing
* *CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
* *Curtin University
* *Monash University
* *National ICT Australia
* *University of Adelaide, The
* *University of New South Wales
* *University of Technology, Sydney
* *University of Western Australia
* *University of Wollongogn
Research Group, Austria
* *Austrian Institute of Technology
* *Graz University of Technology
* *Institute of Science and Technology
* *Joanneum Research
* *Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics - RICAM
* *Technical University of Vienna
Research Group, Belarus
* *Belarusian Academy of Sciences
Research Group, Belgium
* *Ghent University
* *Katholieke University Leuven
* *Royal Military Academy
* *University of Liège
Research Group, Brazil
* *Universidade Federal do Paraná
* *University of Sao Paulo
Research Group, Canada
* *Carleton University
* *Concordia University
* *Laval University
* *McGill University
* *Queen's University
* *SANI International Technology Advisors Inc.
* *Simon Fraser University
* *Universite de Sherbrooke
* *University of Alberta
* *University of British Columbia
* *University of Calgary
* *University of Guelph
* *University of Ottawa
* *University of Saskatchewan
* *University of Toronto
* *University of Waterloo
* *University of Western Ontario
* *Université du Quebec
* *York University
Research Group, China
* *Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation
* *Lotus Hill Institute
* *Tsinghua University
* *Whuan University
Research Group, Company
* *AccuSoft
* *ActivEye
* *Adept
* *Alpha Tec Ltd.
* *Amerinex Applied Imaging
* *Avaya Labs
* *Boston Dynamics
* *Charles River Analytics, Inc.
* *Cipherstone Technologies AB
* *Daimler
* *Definiens
* *Delphi Electronics and Safety
* *Digital Equipment Corp.
* *Disney Research
* *Epson Research and Development
* *GE Research
* *Gentec
* *Heartland Robotics
* *Honeywell
* *HP Labs
* *HRL Laboratories
* *IBM Journal of Research and Development
* *IBM Research
* *IBM Systems Journal
* *IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
* *IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin
* *Imagen
* *Imagineer Systems
* *Intel Corp.
* *iRobot
* *KitWare, Inc
* *KritiKal Solutions
* *MERL: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
* *Microsoft Research
* *Migma Systems
* *Newton Labs
* *Palo Alto Research Center
* *Pattern Recogniton Company
* *Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd.
* *Robot Vision 2 Inc.
* *Samsung Digital Media Solutions Lab
* *Sarnoff Research
* *Siemens VDO Automotive
* *SLR Engineering
* *Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
* *SRI AI Center
* *Utopia Compression
* *Videre Design
* *Virage
* *VisualSize
* *Willow Garage
Research Group, Costa Rica
* *University of Costa Rica
Research Group, Croatia
* *University of Zagreb
Research Group, Czech Republic
* *Czech Technical University, Prague
Research Group, Denmark
* *Aalborg University
* *IT University of Copenhagen
* *Technical University of Denmark
* *University of Copenhagen
Research Group, EU
Research Group, Europe
* *3DTVS
* *DrivSco Project
* *Euvision Technologies
* *Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
* *Pascal: Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning
* *Spacenet
* *Toshiba Research Europe
* *TrimBot Project
Research Group, Finland
* *Integrated Machine Vision Cluster
* *Lappeenranta University of Technology
* *University of Oulu
Research Group, France
* *Ecole Centrale Paris
* *Eurecom
* *IMages Apprentissage GeometrIe Numerisation Environment
* *INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes IMAG
* *INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
* *INRIA Lorraine
* *INRIA Sophia Antipolis
* *INSA Lyon
* *ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
* *Laboratoire d'informatique Gaspard-Monge
* *Laboratoire MATIS
* *MoDyPe: Modélisation de la dynamique pelvienne
* *RealViz
* *Sud Paris
* *Telecom Paris
* *Universite Jean Monnet
* *Universite Paris IX Dauphine
* *University of Caen
* *University of Paris 13
* *University of Tours
* *Université de Bourgogne
* *Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Research Group, Germany
* *Aachen University of Technology
* *Augmented Vision, DFKI
* *Berlin Technical University
* *Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
* *Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
* *DLR: German Aerospace Center
* *Dynamic Vision
* *Flying Eye
* *Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Multimedia Systems and Image Processing
* *Free University of Berlin
* *German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
* *Goethe University Frankfurt
* *Heinrich Hertz Institut
* *Humboldt University Berlin
* *Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
* *Machine Vision Portal
* *Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication
* *Max Planck Institute for Informatics
* *Ruhr-Universität Bochum
* *Saarland University
* *Technical University Munich, Remote Sensing Technology
* *Technical University Munich
* *Technical University of Darmstadt
* *Technische Universität München, Informatics, Robotic and Embedded Systems
* *Tübingen University
* *University of Bielefeld
* *University of Bonn, Computer Vision Group
* *University of Bonn, Institute for Photogrammetry
* *University of Bremen
* *University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
* *University of Freiburg
* *University of Hamburg
* *University of Hannover
* *University of Heidelberg BMCV
* *University of Heidelberg
* *University of Jena
* *University of Kaiserslautern, IUPR
* *University of Karlsruhe
* *University of Koblenz
* *University of Luebeck
* *University of Muenster
* *University of Paderborn
* *University of Stuttgart
Research Group, Greece
* *Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
* *Democritus University of Thrace
* *Fourth Institute of Computer Science
* *National Technical University of Athens
Research Group, Hong Kong
* *Chinese University of Hong Kong, The
* *City University of Hong Kong
* *Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
* *University of Hong Kong
Research Group, Hungary
* *Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Research Group, India
* *Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
* *Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
* *Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
* *Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
* *Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Research Group, Iran
* *IPM Vision Group
* *K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Research Group, Ireland
* *Dublin City University, Machine Vision Group
* *Dublin City University, Vision Systems Laboratory
* *Trinity College Dublin
* *University College Dublin
Research Group, Israel
* *Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
* *Hebrew University
* *Technion Israel Institute of Technology
* *Tel Aviv University
* *Weizmann Institute of Science
Research Group, Italy
* *Fondazione Bruno Kessler
* *Istituto Elettrotechnico Nazionale, IEN
* *Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT
* *Politecnico di Milano
* *SpotIt!
* *University of Bologna
* *University of Brescia
* *University of Florence
* *University of Genova
* *University of Messina
* *University of Milano
* *University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
* *University of Parma
* *University of Pavia
* *University of Pisa
* *University of Verona
Research Group, Japan
* *Gunma University
* *Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST
* *Keio University
* *Kumamoto University
* *Kyoto University
* *Kyushu University
* *Okayama University
* *OKI Electric Industry Company
* *Osaka University
* *Ritsumei University
* *Tokyo Institute of Technology
* *Toshiba
* *Toyota
* *Tsukuba University
* *University of Tokyo
* *Waseda University
Research Group, Korea
* *KAIST: Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
* *Korea University
* *POSTECH: Pohang University of Science and Technology
* *Seoul National University
* *Sungkyunkwan University
Research Group, Mexico
* *National University of Mexico
Research Group, New Zealand
* *University of Auckland, The
* *University of Canterbury
* *University of Otago
Research Group, Norway
* *Norwegian Color Research Laboratory
* *University of Bergen
Research Group, Portugal
* *C-BER Center for Biomedical Engineering Research
* *Instituto Superior Tecnico
* *Technical University of Lisbon
* *University of Algarve
* *University of Beira Interior
Research Group, Romania
* *Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Research Group, Singapore
* *Nanyang Technological University
* *National University of Singapore
Research Group, Slovenia
* *Mu Labs
* *University of Ljubljana
Research Group, South Africa
* *University of Cape Town
Research Group, Spain
* *Institute for Industrial Automation
* *Pompeu Fabra University
* *Rovira i Virgili University
* *Technical University of Catalonia
* *Universidad de Córdoba
* *Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
* *Universidad Politechnica de Valencia
* *Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
* *Universitat de Girona
* *Universitat de València
* *University Jaume I
* *University of Alcala
* *University of Autononoma de Barcelona
* *University of Castilla-La Mancha
* *University of Granada
* *University of Malaga
* *University of Politecnica Madrid
* *University of the Balearic Islands
Research Group, Sweden
* *Halmstad University
* *Linkoping University
* *Lund University
* *Royal Institute of Technology KTH
* *Uppsala University
Research Group, Switzerland
* *Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
* *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich
* *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
* *University of Basel
* *University of Bern
* *University of Geneva
* *University of Lugano
Research Group, Taiwan
* *Academia Sinica
* *National Taiwan Normal University
Research Group, The Netherlands
* *Delft University of Technology
* *Eindhoven University of Technology
* *Erasmus University
* *inVISO
* *Tele Atlas N.V.
* *University of Amsterdam
* *University of Groninen
* *University of Leeuwarden
* *University of Twente
* *Utrecht University
Research Group, Turkey
* *Bilkent University
* *Bogaziçi University
* *Cankaya University
* *Koc University
* *Sabanci University
Research Group, UK
* *BBC Research and Innovation
* *Birkbeck, University of London
* *Cambridge University
* *Cardiff University
* *Cranfield University
* *Heriot-Watt University
* *Imperial College, London
* *King's College London
* *Kingston University, London
* *Leeds University
* *Oxford Brookes University
* *Oxford
* *Queen Mary University of London
* *Queen's University of Belfast
* *Robert Gordon University
* *Scottish Imaging Network: SINAPSE
* *Sheffield Hallam University
* *Swansea University
* *University College London
* *University of Brighton
* *University of Bristol
* *University of Dundee
* *University of East Anglia
* *University of Edinburgh
* *University of Essex
* *University of Exeter
* *University of Glasgow
* *University of Manchester, Medicine
* *University of Manchester
* *University of Nottingham
* *University of of Bath
* *University of of Birmingham
* *University of Plymouth
* *University of Reading
* *University of Sheffield
* *University of Southampton
* *University of Surrey
* *University of Sussex
* *University of the West of England
* *University of Ulster
* *University of Warwick
* *University of York
Research Group, US Government
* *Electro Technical Laboratory
* *Jet Proplusion Laboratory
* *NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Research Group, US
* *Alcorn State
* *Arizona State University
* *Boston University
* *Brigham Young University
* *Brown University
* *California Institute of Technology
* *Carnegie Mellon Vision and Autonomous Systems Center, VASC
* *CCNY: City University New York
* *CITeR: Center for Identification Technology Research
* *CMU Digital Mapping Laboratory
* *CMU interACT
* *CMU Robotics Institute
* *CMU School of Computer Science
* *Colorado State University
* *Columbia University
* *Cornell University
* *Dartmouth University
* *Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation
* *Duke University
* *Fordham University
* *George Mason University
* *Georgia Tech
* *Harvard University
* *Hunter College of CUNY
* *International Computer Science Institute
* *Iowa State University
* *Johns Hopkins University
* *Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
* *Lehman College of CUNY
* *LookTel
* *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab
* *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab
* *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sensable City Laboratory
* *Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* *Michigan State University
* *Middlebury College
* *Naval Postgraduate School
* *New York University
* *North Carolina State University
* *Northwestern University
* *Numenta
* *Ohio State University
* *Oklahoma State University
* *Oregon State University
* *Penn State University
* *Princeton
* *Purdue University
* *Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
* *Rutgers
* *Stanford University Medical Center
* *Stanford University, Computer Science Departent
* *Stevens Institute of Technology
* *SUNY at Binghamton
* *SUNY at Buffalo
* *SUNY at Stony Brook
* *Texas A&M University
* *Texas Tech University
* *U.S. Geological Survey
* *University of Arizona
* *University of California, Berkeley
* *University of California, Irvine
* *University of California, Los Angeles
* *University of California, Merced
* *University of California, Riverside
* *University of California, San Diego
* *University of California, Santa Barbara
* *University of California, Santa Cruz
* *University of Central Florida
* *University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
* *University of Delaware
* *University of Florida
* *University of Georgia
* *University of Hawaii at Manoa
* *University of Houston
* *University of Illinois
* *University of Kentucky
* *University of Louisville
* *University of Maryland
* *University of Massachusetts
* *University of Miami
* *University of Michigan
* *University of Minnesota
* *University of Nevada, Las Vegas
* *University of Nevada, Reno
* *University of North Carolina at Charlotte
* *University of North Carolina
* *University of Notre Dame
* *University of Pacific
* *University of Pennsylvania
* *University of Rochester
* *University of South Florida
* *University of Southern California, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems
* *University of Southern California, Signal and Image Processing
* *University of Southern California, Visual Processing Laboratory
* *University of Tennessee, Knoxville
* *University of Texas, Dallas
* *University of Texas
* *University of Utah
* *University of Virginia
* *University of Washington
* *University of West Florida
* *University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
* *University of Wisconsin
* *Vanderbilt University
* *Vicarious Systems University
* *Virginia Tech
* *Washington University in St. Louis
* *Worchester Polytechnic Institute
* *Wright State University
* *Yale
For more information on the topics, contact information, etc. see the annotated Computer Vision Bibliography or the Complete Conference Listing for Computer Vision and Image Analysis